Sunday, January 23, 2022

Vert and Concept Videos. January 23, 2022. mostly Skateboarding Podcast.

This week, Mike Munzenrider, Patrick Kigongo, and Jason From Frozen in Carbonite are talking about Jimmy Wilkins and the state of vert skating then WKND's Street Fighters 2 had us thinking about concept videos. Listen here and subscribe on iTunes or Spotify.

Jimmy Wilkins on Thrasher's Instagram
Joey O'Brien Untitled 005
Blood and Steel, the Cedar Crest ramp documentary
Bucky Lasek on Instagram
Alphonzo Rawls in Lick 
Alphonzo Rawls in Next Generation
Chris Miller in Now N' Later
Todd Congelliere in Liberty Horror
Butter Goods' Santosuosso Pants
Flaming Lips on 90210
Planet Earth Silver
G&S Stun

This week, Jason is stoked on Venture Trucks, Berlin Plazacation edit, and Ketchup by Sam Pink.
Patrick is stoked on Spitfire Wheels, Community Supported Fisheries, scans of old CCS catalogs, Frank Gerwer in Chrome Ball Incident, and The Past Participle IG account.


Andrew said...

I cant believe no mention of Rune or Burquist, they took over after danny and colin. I mean Rune was on a team with the best street skater of the era. What about Max ?

Justin said...

I can't believe you forgot Invisible's Days of Plunder and Caught Clean for concept videos.

Frog is the silly younger brother to WKND's older brother who went to college and studied art/cinema. I want to like both companies, but I end up being neutral on them. I got the DVD for WKND's Death Dance a couple years ago and didn't care for it.

I couldn't watch that dude's part because of the Four Non Blondes. The song was from 1992 and is still awful after 30 years.

The one thing Nike had going for it was that the horrible skits are their own chapters so you can skip them in the DVD. The only part I ever watch is Reese Forbes.

Jimmy's mom is a professional ballerina and his dad is an orchestra conductor. I feel he could do better than Plan B. I bet he ends up on Birdhouse, although he could probably do better than them, too. UMA?

Mike Frazier, Tom Boyle, Peter Hewitt, Darren Navarrette, and Lincoln Ueda were a few of the guys who kept vert going in the 90s. Also the above mentioned Rune Glifberg, Bob Burnquist, and Max Schaaf. Max had his own ramp, too. Probably worth it to note Chet Childress and Omar Hassan, as well.

The World team was mostly vert dudes around about 2000 with Mathias Ringström, Sluggo, Crum, and maybe one or two more.

A few years ago when I was at a bar and the X-Games were on, a random metal head dude who used to skate told me his favorite skater was Pierre-Luc Gagnon. He was really stoked on PLG.