Friday, August 31, 2007

Viewpoint Bruggs & Olaf

Olaf was the first skater I met when I came to ODU, I met Bruggs a few years later. I did lot of skating and traveling with both of these guys. I think Viewpoint was the first appearance of the Moyock Bump. Bruggs always amazed me because he never really seemed to care about skating, he just had a natural ability for it.

Dolen Smith

I have a feeling we will be seeing a lot more of Dolen Smith in the future. This Texan comes through with a damn fine video part.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Viewpoint Trey Winslow

First full part in Viewpoint is Trey Winslow. This was before the bowl was built and before he was married. A lot of this part was filmed by Trey's friends or whomever was around. It always was and still is really fun to skate with Trey.

All City Showdown

Seattle's All City Showdown is happening this weekend. It's a contest to see who can get the best footage and best trick in 5 hours on one day. Here is the video from last year. I hope we don't have to wait a year to see the results of this year's contest.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Viewpoint Intro

In 2001 I made a video called Viewpoint. It featured full parts from Trey Winslow, Brendan Ash, Tyler Tufty, and a split part with Bruggs and Olaf Glendenning. Since Blogger allows for video uploading now, I am going to post the parts up for everyone to enjoy. Today's part is the intro...

AZ Love

Thanks Drew from Skate AZ for the link. For all you AZ readers, thanks for stopping by and please come again. I try to post at least one new skate clip every day.

303 Footage Montage

Colorado has the lowest obesity rate in the United States. Check the 303 Footage Montage featuring only skinny people.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Get Well Mark

This is a get well video of Mark Davenport who recently broke his leg. I don't know Mark, but I wish him a speedy recovery.

Monday, August 27, 2007

Sequence Promo

Sequence is a video being made by the good people at Iais Skate Media.

Friday, August 24, 2007


This JKTA video from Clouds Hate Life is pretty good. I'm still confused as to what JKTA stands for though.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

2 Years

I forgot to mention yesterday that MostlySkateboarding is now two years old. Thanks to everyone who looks at the site, links to the site and a huge thanks to all the people out there making sick skate clips for me to link to. Without you guys I would have nothing.

Robbie Brockel

Arizona's Robbie Brockel shreds. Nice song choice, but it was used in an old 411 for an Invisible road trip. Half you guys are probably wondering what Invisible even was. It was a board company that Jamie Thomas and Matt Mumford road for back in the day.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Monkeybird Forever

With Conhuir Lynn staring, this montage from Monkeybird is sick.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007


These dudes ripped a few good parks in Montana and made a montage.

Monday, August 20, 2007

HC Crew Update

Pittsburgh's finest just updated their site with a few tricks from Atlanta.

I am going out of town until Thursday so updates might not be as on point as usual but I will have the laptop with me so I will try to stay on top of things.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

New Spot

8 Stair Rail
I found this spot in Newport News today and figured some of you local guys might want to have a go at it. All the info is on my flickr page including the exact location.

Friday, August 17, 2007

Charlotte Skate Montage 8

Another sick montage coming from the Queen City. They're claiming it's throw away so their upcoming DVD must be pretty gnarly.

Thursday, August 16, 2007


By now we all should know that the situation in Darfur is pretty gnarly. Good Magazine made a nice little breakdown of what has been going on there. You can check out to see what you can do. Also, check out to see how your representatives have been voting on this issue. Sorry for bumming everyone out. back to skateboarding in the next post.

Wignall Behind The Lens

Blueprint's Glenn Wignall filmed this little montage for the 09 Video Factory while he was in Sydney.

I had some more Brazilian skateboarding for you but it was in Windows Media, so I won't even bother with it.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007


As promised, more Brazilian skateboarding. This time some extra footage from Antihorario Volume 1.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Marcelo Pancote

Maybe this week is going to be Brazil week. Marcelo Pancote is a good example of the kind of skating I like to see. Also check out Dhiego Correa, he rips too.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Haters Everywhere

It's been a long time since Seven Five Seven made an update, but their new montage was worth the wait. Thanks to CJ for the heads up.


Duotone brings the heat with this montage from South America. I believe they are based in Brazil, but I can't read whatever language the site is written in.

Friday, August 10, 2007

No Name Video

Another Arizona video to get excited about. This one doesn't have a name, but it does have a trailer.

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Tools of the Trade

Tools of the Trade 1 No Music from Mostly and Vimeo.
The first in what I hope will be a series.

The Beautiful Disgrace

A crew in New Zealand is working on a video called The Beautiful Disgrace. From the trailer it looks like it'll be a good one.

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Milwaukee Montage

The guys from MKE Skate got another montage online with a mix of park and street skating.

Am I Bart Simpson?

Checking my stats this morning I noticed Blog Grrl was sending a few people my way so I checked her out and discovered her post If The Simpsons Had Blogs. She thinks that Bart would write MostlySkateboarding.

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Destroying Arizona

Destroying Arizona is a new video coming out of... Arizona. Peep the trailer

Berzerkers 9

You saw the trailer a while back, now you can watch the entire Berzerkers 9 video online. Full parts from Tyler Tufty, Brendan Ash, Art Lisi, and John Chaplain with a supporting cast of all kinds of rad dudes.

Monday, August 06, 2007

Skate Kitchen Monatge

Always good skating and tight filming form The Skate Kitchen. Always.

Roberto Dos Anjos

Canada's Premium Skateboards just added Roberto Dos Anjos to their team.

Friday, August 03, 2007

Fun in Texas

Coming from Texas, Skate TPC has a fun montage.

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Another New Woodstock Monatge

By now everyone has got to be getting sick of these, but this is the only park I skate so I get stoked on seeing footage from there and knowing what went down. Pat Bryant made this one and it's chocked full of unexpected bangers. I do take issue with the song since Danny Brady already used it in one of the best videos ever.


Things have been pretty quiet in North Carolina as far as videos is concerned. Mediocris is premiering on Aug 5th in Raleigh and here is a new trailer. Via: Piedmont

Rummy On The Board

Coming straight out of Virginia Beach comes Pat Bryant's promo for Rummy On The Board.

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Booker Butters

Local boy, Kevin Booker has come a long way. These two lines are dope. I remember when he was a young buck talking shit about how great his Hurley belt was, now he talks shit about his $200 sweatshirts.

JImmy Gorecki Footage

This footage of Jimmy Gorecki is way better than his Ice Cream part.