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This Spread The Good promo shows a lot of pieces of really gnarly tricks. So I'm gonna guess it's gonna be a gnarly video.
From the French region of Annecy comes Annecinne. I dig the opening animation.
Currituck's existing skatepark is getting torn down to make room for airport expansion so they are going to be building two new parks in it's place. There will be two design meetings coming up the first on Monday Feb. 2 at 7 p.m. at the Knotts Island Ruritan building, the second at the Powells Point Senior Center Monday, Feb. 9, at 7 p.m. Local skaters get out there and make sure they build some good parks instead of somethign shitty like the one they have now. I got this infor from this article.
Watch Sk803 issue Eleven right now.
Pittsburgh has been producing some sick skating lately. The Great Divide is the latest coming out of the city looking real good.
Tenn Skate came back online a couple of months ago. I'm glad they are back making stuff like this promo for an upcoming Chattanooga video.
C Skate's Burnt montage feels kinda like the credits in a video. There's soem good shit in there and it looks like some good times.
There's some seriously surprising stuff in this latest video part form Erik Johnsen. Is he landing that back lip on gravel?
Australia's Harry Clark pushes kinda weird, but skates to Wu-Tang so it all evens out to a solid almost three minute part. Thanks to Josh Roberts fr the heads up on this one.
Don't forget about the Design Input day for the Norfolk Skatepark. It's tomorrow, Saturday January 24th from 10-12 at Northside Middle School.
This Saturday, January 24th is the Design Options Day for the Norfolk skatepark. The time has been changed to a more skate friendly 10-12. Be there and have your voice heard.
Shred Til Yer Dead premiered last Saturday. Peep the new trailer then track down a copy of the DVD.
Skate Perception's best of 2008 montage is like a trip down memory lane featuring a lot of the best stuff from videos I've posted this past year plus plenty of stuff I hadn't seen before.
Check the Stop Fakin trailer coming out of the DC area.
Christmas is long gone, but this Christmas video from Crayon skateboards is like a late present.
Rennes Skate is on montage #34, and I'm just now discovering them. It just goes to show there's a lot of good shit out there to be discovered.
The Good Time video out of Germany is dropping real soon. Peep the trailer.
I got food poisoning then split open my eye lifting the toilet seat so I could puke today, so I'm at home watching the trailer for Unsigned Hype between naps and trying to keep crackers and jello down. I accidentally deleted the e-mail someone sent me about this, so maybe they can comment as to who they are. Sorry...
I just discovered the Chin Chilla Crew out of Germany, and here is their latest montage. This is going to be Euro week. All the videos are coming from across the pond, so get stoked (or bummed).
Hall Eleven won best Shop in a video contest Place VM held. They have Lem Villemin on their team, so it's kind of hard to think they could have lost. Here is their montage. Note the proper execution of the FS Crook in the frame grab above. Sideways nosegrinds are not acceptible.
The new Lurk MD montage features the crew skating spots all across the east coast. They even skated in Winston-Salem, NC, my home town.
It's nice to see canoeing in a skate montage.
John Zeiss asked me to post the trailer for his video Be Pretty, so here it is. Man, I fucked this one up, check the comments for the right information. John Zeiss is actually John Kim, and Be Pretty is actually being made by Esteban Jefferson, Jason Sherman and Dominick Susca who also run Ha Ha Fun Time.
For some reason the Stunt B videos never worked for me until the other day. Check out this Introduction video and then go from there. South Korea looks pretty sick for skating.