Thanks to everyone who has been linking to us lately. Artsington, The Program Zine, and Hey Day Skateboarding know what's up. Also, thanks to whomever sent me Antiz Z-Movie. I'm claiming Z-Movie is video of the year.
I really like the direction Puzzle is taking their website. They just posted Justin Cefai's part from the OPP Video. I would like to see more European stuff though.
Various dudes in the know have created a new magazine project called In Print which is kind of a user generated skate photo magazine. So if you have some sick snaps upload them and see if you get in the mag.
Well MostlySkateboarding has turned into MostlySkateboardingAndThisAmericanLife, but I can't help it. TAL is just so damn good. Anyway. The premiere TV episode was last night on Showtime but for all of us who don't have Showtime we can watch it for free from the Showtime website. This seriously just made my Friday. It's streaming so it's a bit stuttery.
You know Louisville has some talent. You can check them out at The Program Zine. They make a sick clickable zine as well as soem videos including this montage.
Here is another segment from the upcoming This American Life TV Show. This one is animated by Chris Ware. Via: Coudal. If you haven't already check out this past week's episode of TAL. It's one of the better ones I have heard in a long time.
Guys in North Caolina are always doing good things. Check out the trailer for Blood Money from Push Skateshop. My homies Ty Rohde and Mic Swett are in it.
Sugar Sports has always had a good selection fo footage. Check out Robin Stoddard then if you have time watch the rest of the footage Sugar has graciously put online.