We've got a big episode this week with Templeton Elliott, Patrick Kigongo, and Mike Munzenrider talking curbs and pants. Listen here and subscribe on iTunes or Spotify.
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Quartersnacks on the Curb Club Clip
Recent AVE post from his Wheels Of Fortune
AVE in Mindfield
Vans Propeller
Jason Adams in Label Kills
Collin Provost on Instagram
Tanner Van Vark on Instagram
Pat Duffy in Questionable
Daewon Song in Trilogy
Prime Fight Fire With Fire
Retromania by Simon Reynolds
Gilbert Crockett in Fallen's Ride The Sky
Templeton's best pants ever, Nike SB FTM Chinos
Levi's 606 Jeans
Scott Johnston's 411VM Profile
This week, Mike is stoked on the 15 year annaversary of Weekend Warriors, his Davis Torgerson made frame for his Keving Hrn shot photo, and Photo Jenny by Belle & Sebastian.
Patrick is stoked on Spitfire Wheels, giving a little kid at the DIY his old complete, Arsenal beating Benfica 3-2, Bronze 56k in Miami, French touch, the Jereme Daclin interview with Jenkem and Jereme Daclin on the Bigsping Podcast.
Templeton is stoked on Wool. (He's not leaving the house much these days.)
Find Patrick on Twitter @ColonelKSpeaks and on Instagram @PKigongo.
Find Mike on Twitter @mmunzenrider and on Instagram @mmunzenrider.
Find Templeton on Twitter @MostlySkate and on Instagram @mostlyskateboarding.