Tuesday, February 28, 2006
Slap Update
Slap updated their site with tons of goodies including interviews with Jereme Rogers, Aaron Suski, and Belle & Sebastian.
Monday, February 27, 2006
Hapless Happenings
If this is the throw away footage just imagine how good the whole video is gonna be. What Had Happened Waz!
For those with Cable I highly recomend you checking out Murderball on A&E tomorrow at 10PM. Murderball is a documentary about Wheelchair rugby and the people who play it. The Trailer...
AMs are always better
The AMs for World Industries and Blind have been getting busy. The pros are beign lazy. Via Tacky World
Friday, February 24, 2006
Red Bull Skate Shot
RedBull hosts some of the best contests I have ever heard of. One such contest is the RedBull SkateShot contest. Teams of skaters from various countries have 48 hours to film and edit a video in Barcelona. See all five videos in the Clip Lounge.
Thursday, February 23, 2006
Digging deep
It's been tough finding footy today. I had to dig deep to find this clip of a few Stereo Sound Agents and WE Activists. I hope you guys appreciate it.
Questionable origin
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
Steph Morgan
British videos always have the best music. Check out Steph Morgan's video part and you'll see what I'm talking about.
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
Daily Photos
Midwestern photographer Samual McGuire is posting a new photo every day on his site. Good stuff for sure. Via: Platinum Seagulls
Krux in Kroatia
The Strange Notes site is a great place to find good footage. I especially liked the Krux in Kroatia segment.
Monday, February 20, 2006
A State of Mind
I watched the documentary A State Of Mind this weekend and was blown away by how good it was. It's about two North Korean girls practicing for the Mass Games which is a huge coreographed gymnastics event. It sounds pretty strange but it really showed a what life is liek in North Korea. Some things are strangly similar and some things are very different.
What We Do IS Secret
Back in the day everyone from the 757 would go to DC not Raleigh like they do now. Anyway check out What We Do Is Secret, a video from Washington DC and Richmond. via Pavement Trout
Friday, February 17, 2006
Overly Flared
it looks like the lakai site got bombed with traffic upon the release of the Fully Flared trailer but somone posted it on YouTube so we can all enjoy it now.
Thanks Camera
Thanks Camera is out now. Check it out, it features El Toro Kickflipper Dave Bachinsky. (not the kickflip but his video part) via Dudes With Tudes
Mostly Montage!

Here is the first montage I have made in a few years. It is the first in what I hope to be a continuing series of montages made by MostlySkateboarding and hosted by other sites. This Montage is hosted by Pavement Trout. Right Click and save as on the image above to conserve bandwidth.
Skaters in order of appearance...
Neal Wood,
Thursday, February 16, 2006
Yesterday after work Brendan and I grabbed some random kid out of the parking lot and took him skating with us. It turned out to be Max Shapiro. Check his site Straight VB.
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
DVS Podcasting
Not Forgotten
Washington DC's The Forgotten City is back! There is a full Jack Curtin interview with old video parts and everything.
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
Board graphics
Todd Frances is the genies behind some of the sickest graphics Anti-Hero ever had. Check out his website and see what I'm talking about. Via Coudal
Stand Alone
I'm not sure if I linked to Stand Alone Media before but the trailer for 4 Down deserves another mention if anyway. Also check out the clip of the day on the main page.
Monday, February 13, 2006
NC Skate State
Carolina Skate VM is one of those great North Carolina skate site with plenty of footage. Check out Montage 1 and their previous videos.
Jojo teaser
Cliche has a teaser for their hot free video Hello Jojo. You can get it in the lates Skateboard Mag.
Friday, February 10, 2006
Trick Tip
My good friend Brendan just committed his theory of the 4 C's of skateboarding to words. You guys shoudl all go check it and incorperate his theory into your own skating.
Skatopia Documentary
I've never been so I don't know. Skatopia looks awesome. Documentary in the works. via Skateboarder.
Thursday, February 09, 2006
Transworld on the cheap
I am looking through my archives today and I was reminded of the Transworld for $3.95 deal from September. I checked and now it's $4.95. still a great deal and I have been enjoying my transworld subscription for a few months now.
Dirty North
Michigan and New York come together in Dirty Version by Shawn Maguire. Found on Kinked Skateboard Media.
Required Reading
I doubt your local library is going to get the new Andy Howell book, Art, Skateboarding, and Life. If it is anything like Disposable you should run out and get it ASAP.
If anyone out there can send me the book I'll review it...
If anyone out there can send me the book I'll review it...
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
Constant Work In Progress
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
Regret me not
The Ohio boys are keeping busy. check out the sneak peek at the upcoming video No Regrets. via Skate Ohio.
Monday, February 06, 2006
Spike's Miller Auditions
I'm not quite sure what this is all about but apparently it is an ad for Miller Beer directed by Spike Jonze. via Coudal
Mega Ramp Sessions
Friday, February 03, 2006
Ali acts
In the trailer for Turn on Wallstreet we see Ali Boulala doing some fine acting. I like the concept of this trailer but it's a bit difficult to get the full effect if you don't speak french (which I don't).
Thursday, February 02, 2006
Je suis Antiz
Europe has the best looking spots I have ever seen. If you don't believe me check out this clip from Antiz Skateboards in France.
Since getting on Globe mark Appleyard has been killing it. Check out this commercial for his new pro shoe. via Skate Works.
Winning run
I can't believe I haven't mentioned Tampa Am. Well Four Duos in Texas has Cody McEntire's final run.
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
Banned in DC
You may have seen this picture of Manny Law getting roughed up by the cops in our nation's capitol but I doubt you've seen Tyler Tufty dealing with the same shit.
Ohio gets busy
Cincinnati Ohio's Gene Turner is putting out a video and as Skate Ohio says it "looks like solid gold".
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