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This montage is from July of 2007, but it's still new to me, and probably new to most of you guys. Via: Soup De Lait.
Put -tage at the end of anything and I'll be psyched. Check the Peace Wall Park minitage.
The videographic geniuses at Sunday Board Shop made their way down south with stops in NC, GA, FL, and maybe some other places and made a montage in two parts. Part One Part Two
The Skate Spot is borderline too good for MostlySkateboarding, but I didn't have anything else, so here is their latest montage of straight up ripping.
By too good I mean these guys are more hooked up than a lot of the people featured here even though lots of those skaters rip too.
The Spaniards at Dogway put out a pretty sick little montage. Check it.
This is how they do it in Richmond, VA. Check the full video of Slander 2 on Google Video.
My good friend Eddie is in the Hospital. Send some good vibes his way. get better soon Eddie!
Lots of foundation skating in this throwaway montage but if I had a spot that good near me, I'd skate it a lot too.
This trailer for the SEC 2 video does a pretty good job of showing what filming for a video is like. Fun, frustrating, etc...
The Sophmore Jinx DVD is out and ready for consumption. Watch the second trailer now.
Some of you may remember the trailer for Prestige skateshop's Sink or Swim. Well, the DVD is done, and available for purchase. I watched it the other day and was impressed. Get yourself a copy from Prestige for only $10.
Dave Eoannou seems like he would be a fun guy to skate with. He's creative but you can tell he has skills too.
I'm not sure why they call this guy Dirty Hads, but he's pretty gnar. His real name is Sean Hadley. OH, I just realized that Hads is short for Hadley, and I guess he's dirty.
Sometimes a trailer reveals a lot, sometimes it doesn't. Either way it's supposed to get you psyched. The trailer for Holy Cow does a pretty good job.
Not only does this trailer make me want to go skate. It also makes me want to listen to Moby. Keep On Pushing is sure to be on you'll want in your DVD collection.
KC Skate is a website based in Sacramento. Montage #2 looks good, but I'll bet by Montage #7 these guys will be getting real gnarly.
Brad Rosado went down to the Battle Of The Shops and came back with a grip of sick footage from the contest. Looks like Gilbert Crockett's MVP award was well deserved but it looks like everyone was ripping pretty hard.
Straight To The Bottom is a new website out of Rhode Island & Massachusetts. From the looks of the Anchors trailer we should be seeing a lot of good things form them in the future.