Friday, February 17, 2006

Mostly Montage!

Here is the first montage I have made in a few years. It is the first in what I hope to be a continuing series of montages made by MostlySkateboarding and hosted by other sites. This Montage is hosted by Pavement Trout. Right Click and save as on the image above to conserve bandwidth.

Skaters in order of appearance...

Neal Wood, Tyler Tufty, Trey Winslow, Brendan Ash, Templeton Elliott, Watt Ward, Colt, Mic Swett, Sean Owens, John Chaplain, Mike Beiter, Angelo Lee.

Music: The Fitness


b rendan said...

That Angelo is the best...I was especially disappointed with my own slagging.

Anonymous said...

fucking rules

Anonymous said...

Templeton! dang-it that was awesome! everybodies shredding...makes me nostalgic for the old country...can't wait for the next one!

Anonymous said...
