Sunday, January 19, 2025

Gambling and Lakai 2.0 January 19, 2025. Mostly Skateboarding Podcast.

This week, Templeton Elliott, Patrick Kigongo, and Jason From Frozen in Carbonite are talking about gambling on skateboarding and Lakai's latest. Listen here and subscribe on iTunes or Spotify.

Gambling comes to X-Games press release
The Fifth Estate on Gambling
Lakai's new Tokyo Tour video
Lakai's shoes
Jason is stoked on Venture Trucks, the new season of Severance, Ozzy Osbourne's Diary of a Madman, and Métropolus video outta Montreal
Patrick is stoked on Spitfire Wheels, Uganda Skateboard Society, and George Benson’s Reverb Shop
Templeton is stoked on his new garage quarterpipe.

1 comment:

Justin said...

Gambling is stupid. I don't care if you are into it, but it shouldn't be such a prominent entity. Keep it shady. There are a ton of shows about betting and whatnot. It's the pinnacle of mansplaining as it gives dudes an opportunity to spew a bunch of numbers and buzzwords in an attempt to sound cool about sports. It needs to go away, although I suppose we're not putting the toothpaste back in the tube at this juncture.

Vans more or less rebooted in the late 90s/early 00s. éS went away and then came back. Now they are going away again. Stereo? Alien Workshop has been in a state of flux. I think Creature is the only company ever to die and return with more success. Ipath might be able to pull it off if the mood is good. Fallen has maybe pulled it off.

Over the last 5-7 years, I've noticed Lakais popping up in a lot of the indie videos such as Dan Rusin's projects and the Grains series. It's always nice to see the Flare instead of the swoosh or whatever wave Vans has. I think they have a core fanbase that supports them, in a similar way to Sole Tech. Neither brand has really tipped the cool meter like they used, but they do sell some shoes for the skaters who don't want the jock shoes. Not that anybody cares about minutia such as this these days. Crailtap has a history of avoiding the difficult business decisions. They probably could've trimmed the team a while back and restructured to a better company model. Who knows? Maybe they were doomed to be bought and traded by venture capitalists.