Rollerblading in Sight Unseen
Rolling Stone's scooter story
Dipset's inline skate team
Zered Bassett in Vicious Cycle
Nike X Huf edit
Davis is stoked on Skateboardle and rain in LA.
Mike is stoked on going to SF tomorrow with his wife but without his kid. HIs daughter learning how to push.
The college here put up some new NO SKATEBOARDING/NO ROLLERBLADING signs two years ago on the art building. Must've had 'em left over from 1999. In the time since, I've seen more people rollerblading around. Nobody doing tricks that I recall, but just that people are blading is something. Rollerskating is big around here so there was one guy on blades with his girlfriend at the new skatepark a few weeks ago. She was on rollerskates.
I'm surprised I don't see more roller hockey since this is prime hockey territory. I'm also not looking for it either.
I've seen one old local dude do the roller cross country ski thing.
I think that skateboarding winning the overall popularity contest makes it much easier to be accepting of rollerblading.
I will say that the squeaking sound the skates make when they push annoys me to no end. The sound is almost as bad as when people ride rails on their boards and don't have the hardware tightened so they rattle. If you've never noticed those sounds before you will now. Sorry about that.
Isn't Zered handy with a camera, too? I think he's had a couple photo sequences he's shot in Thrasher.
The WKND video has me thinking about nostalgia and how simply because something happened in the past, it doesn't necessarily need to be brought back because it is old. I dunno. The 90s were weird. Although I suppose the decade has nothing on our current timeline for weirdness.
What’s up guys just wondering what the email was to share what we’re stoked on. I’d relisten but I’m putting the kids to bed and Playing music on my phone. Thank you! I love listening to the podcast.
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