Sunday, April 04, 2021

Bastien Salabanzi and Chaffey. April 4, 2021. Mostly Skateboarding Podcast

This week, Templeton Elliott, Patrick Kigongo, and Mike Munzenrider are talking about Bastien Salabanzi and we remember another spot gone, Chaffey. Listen here and subscribe on iTunes or Spotify.

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Bastian's new part
Bastian's new Thrasher interview
Bastian showboating
Terry Kennedy in Baker 3
Bastian in Sorry
Alysson Castro's crook back lip
Jess McCraney in 411
Kareem's pager check
Koston's line in Mouse
Richard Mulder's line in Penal Code
Richard Mulder's manual at Chaffey in Mouse
Andy Stone in Falling Down

This week, Patrick is stoked on the Yankees, Anthony Pappalardo’s Heaven or Las Vegas, and Jono Coote’s No Beer on a Dead PlanetCouncil of Nine, and you can catch Patrick on Soul Rebel Radio on the April 2nd episode.
Mike is stoked on biking at night and the NYT Magazine's letter of recommendation for biking at night.
Templeton is stoked on Golf, the card game.

Find Jason on Twitter @carbonite1994, on Instagram @frozenincarbonite, on Clubhouse @carbonite1994, and writing for Quartersnacks.
Find Patrick on Twitter @ColonelKSpeaks and on Instagram @PKigongo.
Find Mike on Twitter @mmunzenrider and on Instagram @mmunzenrider.
Find Templeton on Twitter @MostlySkate and on Instagram @mostlyskateboarding.

1 comment:

Justin said...

Flip is such an odd company. Obviously they had an all time great team that fundamentally changed skateboarding in the 1990s and early 2000s. However, something in their presentation and aesthetic just falls flat to me. When I did a week on Sorry a few years ago, I got comments that it seemed boring. It didn't register when I was piecing together the scans, but I was in agreement with that sentiment after I thought about it for a second. Also how is Bastien only 35? Sorry was 19 years ago. He might have had my favorite part in that video.