Thursday, April 25, 2019

April 25, 2019 Podcast Episode

This week, Mike Munzenrider, Jason from Frozen in Carbonite, and Templeton Elliott talk Gino Iannucci, Spot Doctoring, and Quasi's I Survived School Today board. Listen below or in your podcast app.

Gino's Poets video from High Snobiety.
Gino on the Nine Club.
Unity Skateboarding.
AWS X InfoWars Collab.
Quasi's Instagram post.

Jason is stoked on the NBA Playoffs, Brian Delaney's new part and Vincent Touzery going pro for 917.
Mike is stoked on the 360 flip in this clip of Ville Wester.
Templeton is stoked on the new podcast, Running From Cops.

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