Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Albuquerque's New Skatepark

Albuquerque has a new skatepark and Broke Tape has been spending time there with Tyler Franz and other shredders.


HeadlessMonster said...

Ehhhhhhhhh, park footy.

Anonymous said...

for a headless monster you talk a lot of shit. Buttface monster maybe.

HeadlessMonster said...

I like that. ButtfaceMonster. Has a nice ring to it. Thanks...uh... ... ...uhhh... ... Cockonymous? Yeah! How's that one? Took me a whole minute to conjure up that one. Now I'm gonna go dip my upper torso in a garbage can.

Anonymous said...

Hey I need the address for my website www.skatepark.com I will put your vid on there if you want. email me nando1@skatepark.com