Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Beating Websense?

My workplace uses Websense to keep me from enjoying the internet to it's fullest. For a long time it didn't keep me from looking at too much but today they blocked almost everything I look at including skate sites I need to check in order to keep MostlySkateboarding going. Does anyone out there know how I can get around Websense? The weird thing is I can still access Blogger, and some other more objectionable sites.


Anonymous said...

use a proxy if you havent already.

Anonymous said...

Yeah there's a few things you can try a proxy is one like this Sometimes websense is smart enough to block those though.

Try using google translator

At my old job they used to lock up the settings in IE and put all web traffic through a proxy. I could get around it by using Firefox Portable. They were kind of bush league there.

Anonymous said...

Commie bastards!

EAT PUSSY! said...


Tim Lamb said...

i cosign with firefox portable, its what i used to use in highschool

Anonymous said...

You can also use something like LogMeIn to remote into your PC at home and browse the sites that way (also great for starting/stopping torrents and such)