Thursday, February 05, 2009

Mostly Skateboarding Montage #2

My friends at The Skate Kitchen posted up the Second Mostly Skateboarding Montage the other day and forgot to tell me it was online So I'm telling you about it today. It's got my latest footage as well as stuff dating back like three years. If anyone can tell me Dude???'s name I'd appreciate it. I skated with him once a while back and got that footage before getting a trespassing ticket. All that Tyler footage is form one weekend like two years ago.


Unknown said...

Yeah Temp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Awsome montage. Cant wait to shred w ya when i get back. Call ya then!

Anonymous said...

Shred that stick Tempy! Switch pole jammy 180 whammy! Zing! Fun montage fellas!

Anonymous said...

im pretty sure dudes??? name is trevor

Tim Lamb said...

you forgot about me!

meow said...

sick montage + cramps usage!

Templeton said...

Tim, your footage will be in the next montage. I'm hoping to get more with you by then.

Malcom, Althougth I love The Cramps, the music is By Lyres, a tune called "How Do You Know".

Jamie said...

That was soooo good man.

Anonymous said...

Dudes name is Trevor Stanley.


Anonymous said...

Chomp on that.

Anonymous said...

what city is the rail you feeble pop outted?

Templeton said...

The rail is in Norfolk surprisingly enough... It's off in an area where there aren't many other spots so I doubt many people know about it. Also, you can only skate it on Sundays.