Monday, June 11, 2007

New Banner

After almost two years, I finally made a banner for the blog over the weekend. The original idea came from Brendan, but I made the logo, and Kevtron shot the photo. Now that I know how easy it is to do the banner I'll probably be making more and rotating them out. Let me know what you think...


EAT PUSSY! said...

I liked, is that you pushing?

Templeton said...

I don't actually know who that is pushing. Kevtron, if you're reading this, could you let us know who the skater is?

Anonymous said...

Looks sweet!

b rendan said...

The skater pushing is named Wiley. (He is in the PMA crew if that means anything to any of you).

Charley Feher said...

You should put the statue of David in your banner.

BRC said...

dope man, how can i make one?

peep this

Templeton said...

Hey BRC,
Update your template in Blogger and it will give you the option of having a banner. It is really easy once you have the updated template.

Anonymous said...

I dig it man. Gives the site more personality. Checking in every day! Keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

Huh? I'm cornfused...where's the banner?