Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Tommy Wisdom

One of the best names is skateboarding today is Tommy Wisdom. Check some of his footy also from 48 Blocks.


Anonymous said...

tom is so sick go to the city-people.com site to see more of sick under rated boston skate scene

Anonymous said...

that kid is nuts

Anonymous said...

Yawn. Another hippity-hop, baggy panted Easty with the traditional tricks. Boston's got way radder/gnarlier spots kids. Find 'em.

Anonymous said...

headlessmonsterfagg. shut the fuck up. you dont know shit bitch.

SteezyG said...

dude's not thinking properly...his name does include the word "headless". T-Wiz kills and the whole East Coast knows it. F**k some tight-ass girl pants.