Tuesday, March 28, 2006


The e-mail below was in my InBox this morning. Good stuff.

hey templeton -
why am i sending this stuff? ny-quil is a hell of a drug and i have
to be on a plane in 7 hours. i guess i just hope someone downloads it
and enjois it.


mike hickey: http://headboardshop.com/pages/hickeys_corner.shtml and

rob russell: http://www.sureshotskateboards.com

jerome bertelli: compulsive liar.

jurgen koch: http://www.flickr.com/photos/youragain/sets/384089/
(which im sure youve seen)


Anonymous said...

what? huh?

Anonymous said...

one thing i have to say is that jerome bertelli is not a compulsive liar...
he does lie though...
who doesnt ...
im his neighbor and ive known him all his life...
hes not that bad of a guy...