Sunday, March 31, 2024

Filming the NBA and Rocco's Return. March 31, 2024. Mostly Skateboarding Podcast

This week, Templeton Elliott, Mike Munzenrider, and Patrick Kigongo are talking to Tristan Brillanceau-Lewis about his VX-1000 video for the Portland Trailblazers and filming in the NBA in general then we're talking about Steve Rocco's return to skateboarding. Listen here and subscribe on iTunes or Spotify.

Cole Nowicki's blog about Tristan's video
Damian Lillard in game 5 over Paul George
Steve Rocco's announcement joining Sidewalk
Find Tristan Brillanceau-Lewis on Instagram and Twitter

This week, Tristan is stoked on Ted Barrow's This Old Ledge series and Down By Law.
Patrick is stoked on Spitfire Wheels, Down By Law, swiping right on his wife ten yeas ago, and Passing Judgement by Been Stellar.
Mike is stoked on One On One Bikes in South Minneapolis and the Timberwolves' 50 game winning streak.
Templeton is stoked on Down By Law and Skate Catalogs on The Internet Archive.

1 comment:

Justin said...

This was a good episode. It was fun to hear about what it's like behind the scenes of an NBA team. I dig how Tristan is motivated to skate when he gets time off of work.

I guess Steve was bummed Harmony Korine beat him to EDGLRD or something.

What all is Rocco going to bring to the table in 2024? In retrospect, a whole lot of what he did wasn't very good and really wouldn't fly in today's world. It barely flew back in the 1990s. Does Steve know Opera is all vert skating?