Anthony Huber
Lucien modeling for LV
Fashion Judgement Day for Quartersnacks
John Drake on Instagram
DVS Jason Dill shoe
Lucien in This Time Tomorrow
Lupe Fiasco Kick Push
Kanye Vision Street Wear bite
Slam City's Carl Shipman interview
John Cardiel in Sight Unseen
Gonz on BS With TG
Pepe Martinez photo
Stevie's Love line in adidas
Guy Mariano's China Shop Crooked Grind
Nike Choad
Gino Iannucci in Triology
Lavar McBride, Switch Crook at Hubba
Rich Howard in Goldfish (no audio, major bummer)
Channy Jeanguenin in Genisis
60/40 Glasses For Your Feet
A 60/40 Compilation from Anthony Papalardo.
Gonz and Pat Duffy's mid air collision in Europe
This week, Jason is stoked on Ventue Trucks and their San Francisco Moves edit, the NBA Strike, and J.P. Souza's new part.
Patrick is stoked on Jazmine Huges' essay “OG STYLE 43 LX SNEAKERS” aka The Summer of No Fear, Spitfire Wheels, WNBA, NBA, MLS, and MLB's wildcat strike.
Mike is stoked on Woman and Woman Worldwide from Justice and Howard Bryant's The Reality Of Black Pain Is Breaking American Sports' Status Quo...
Find Jason on Twitter @carbonite1994 and on Instagram @frozenincarbonite and writing for Quartersnacks.
Find Patrick on Twitter @ColonelKSpeaks and on Instagram @PKigongo.
Find Patrick on Twitter @ColonelKSpeaks and on Instagram @PKigongo.
Find Mike on Twitter @mmunzenrider and on Instagram @mmunzenrider.
Find Templeton on Twitter @MostlySkate and on Instagram @mostlyskateboarding.
Find Templeton on Twitter @MostlySkate and on Instagram @mostlyskateboarding.