Saturday, November 29, 2008

Atlanta Throwaway

Here is some throwaway from Atlanta.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Brent Willard

Brent Willard's skating is good as is his music choice.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Sk803 Issue Nine

These dudes just keep banging these things out. Sk803 montage nine.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Brad Cromer's Holy Cow Part

Brad Cromer's part from Holy Cow is nothing short of bangin.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

New Irvine Sucks Montage

Dudes are getting buck in the new Irvine Sucks montage. Thanks for the heads up Connor.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Weekend Bonus: Built to Skate

Every year in Europe a crew of dudes sets out to improve a handful of skatespots. This mission is called Built To Skate. Check this year's video, then make plans to build or improve spots where you live.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Design Input Day Tomorrow

Local skaters should chill tonight so they can make it to the Design Input Day for the Norfolk Skatepark. Its a Northside Middle School from 9-11AM.

Northwest Tour

They're calling this tour across Vancouver, Montana, and North Dakota Northwest tour. I think of Washington and Oregon as the Northwest. Either way, dudes are ripping.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Design Input Day Reminder

Don't forget about the design input day for the Norfolk Skatepark. Its this Saturday at Northside Middle School. Word on the street is that the Rob Dyrdek Plaza Foundation is involved, so hopefully that means we'll be getting a good park.

Blue Tile Lounge Promo

There had been some computer problems over at the Blue Tile Lounge, but they are fixed now and this long promo is what they made.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Vladik Sholz

Vladik Sholz got the ender part in a German video whose name I forget. Anyway, watch that shit.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Kronika Video Magazine

Straight outta Hungary comes Kronik Video Magazine. Peep the trailer for issue 3.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Foda Se Trailer

Usually I don't post trailers with so many slams and quick cuts, but this Foda Se trailer got me kinda psyched.

Friday, November 14, 2008

SEC 2 Full Video

There is some seriously good shredding in SEC 2 which you can download in full, so get on it.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Tonight is the AIGA screening of Beautiful Losers. Its likely the only opportunity you'll have to see it on the big screen. I've watched the doc ten plus times and it's still good every time.

Tonight, Thursday, November 13th
Time: Doors 8:00, Show 8:15pm
Naro Expanded Cinema, 1507 Colley Ave, Norfolk, VA

Tickets will be available online and at the door.
Members & Students: $5
Everyone Else: $10 (or 4 for $36 -- online only)

Designer types and AIGA peeps will be hanging out at San Antonio Sams before the show starting around 6:30.

Drew Dezort

This is Drew Dezort's part from Clubbing Baby Seals 3.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Hoodlum Promo

While I was watching this Hoodlum promo I got inspired to finally edit a new montage then it was over and I wasn't inspired anymore.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Rainbow Session

That thing looks fun. Single spot montages can be cool if done right like this one.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Beautiful Losers at the Naro

For Hampton Roads locals, the AIGA screening of Beautiful Losers is likely the only opportunity you'll have to see it on the big screen. I've watched the doc ten plus times and it's still good every time.

Thursday, November 13th
Doors 8:00, Show 8:15pm
Naro Expanded Cinema, 1507 Colley Ave, Norfolk, VA

Tickets will be available online and at the door.
Members & Students: $5

Everyone Else: $10 (or 4 for $36 -- online only)

Lone Star Montage #3

It seems we've had something from Texas every week for a while now. This week is Lone Star Skate's third montage.

Saturday, November 08, 2008

Weekend Bonus: Midwest Movement

This video is like three songs worth of street and park skating all over the midwest. The spot form the screen grab looks so fun.

Friday, November 07, 2008

New Peace Wall Park Montage

It's been a long wait, but Peace Wall Park has a new montage and it's a banger.

Thursday, November 06, 2008

IAIS New Montage

IAIS Skate Media has been keeping steady with the updates since the release of Mi-Rage. This new montage is just one example of what they do.

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Norfolk Skatepark Design Input Day

Local skaters should mark their calender for November 22nd, the Design input day for the new skatepark. Personally I want all street style stuff. No bowls, no tranny at all. I'm gonna be pushing for a bank to ledge type thing seen in the screen grab below. You should all vote for that too.

Don't Sleep On The East Throwaways #12

I can't believe these guys have made twelve throwaway montages already. I guess they didn't see Markovich's part in Art Bars.

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Sean Weikel

I had forgotten that Irvine Sucks was posting up all the Bone Storm parts. Sean Weikel is the latest part and it's a gnarly one.

Monday, November 03, 2008

Gustav Tønnesen

Here is an impressive bit of street footage staring Gustav Tønnesen. I'm not a fan of willy grinds, but this guy makes them look not so bad.

Sunday, November 02, 2008

Weekend Bonus: World of Birds

I like it when people name their montages instead of just numbering them. Take this World of Birds montage for example.

Saturday, November 01, 2008

Weekend Bonus: Northwest HD

Maybe one day I'll get to live in the Northwest, but I doubt I'll ever be able to skate like these dudes.