Sunday, October 31, 2021

Farran Golding on Favorite Spots and Mark Suciu. October 31, 2021. Mostly Skateboarding Podcast

This week, Templeton Elliott, Patrick Kigongo, and Jason From Frozen in Carbonite are talking with Farran Golding about his Favorite Spot series with Quartersnacks and about Mark Suciu's new part, Blue Dog. Listen here and subscribe on iTunes or Spotify.

Quartersnacks' Favorite Spot series
Gilbert Crockett in Old Dominion
Gilbert Crockett's Sun Trust bench ollie
Farran's Gilbert Crocket interview
Maury Blankenship in Dominion 5
Chrome Ball's AVE interview
Guy Mariano in Mouse
Austyn Gillette's LA High fakie flip
Secky Presh = Security Pressure
Andrew Allen's Slam City interview
Gassworks, Joe Gavin's spot doc
Harry Lintell's Northern Grit part
The Haçienda
Henry Sanchez in Sight Unseen
Dennis Busenitz in Since Day One

This week, Farran is stoked on friends who are filmers: Joe Allen's Pétaque, available at The Palamino, Josh Hallett's Paul, and Just Film and Will Smith and Sparrow Knox's Mates.
Jason is stoked on Venture Trucks, Dune movie, and the Kalis at Clemente instagram edit.
Patrick is stoked on Spitfire Wheels - Particularly Suciu’s 41 second commercial from 2020, History Was Made At Night, Atlantic Drift “Saint Tom Knox,” Warning Skateshop in South Central Prayers up for Steven Cales. And the Todd Haynes’ Velvet Underground documentary.
Templeton is stoked on Cole Nowicki’s Substack.

Sunday, October 24, 2021

Fall Gear and Tom Knox. October 24,2021. Mostly Skateboarding Podcast

This week, Templeton Elliott, Mike Munzenrider, and Jason From Frozen in Carbonite are talking about Fall gear and Tom Knox vs St Paul's. Listen here and subscribe on iTunes or Spotify.

Brian Wenning in The DC Video
MIke Carroll's dope anorak
Pangea Jeans promo
Jason's Pants Piece for Quartersnacks
Tim Gavin on the Mostly Skateboarding Podcast
Tom Knox in Vase
Tom Knox in 11th Hour
Atlantic Drift Episode 2 St Paul's
Atlantic Drift Episode 10 Moscow
Blind's Video Days
Jason Dill in 101's Snuff
adidas Kobe shoe
adidas Norton
Tom Penny's kickflip in TSA's Life In The Fast Lane
Ricky Oyola in 411VM #10
Dime's new gear

This week, Mike is stoked on seeing an old friend skate again after 20ish years and ANTHONY EDWARDS telling the Rockets to call a timeout during the Minnesota Timberwolves season opener after hitting a three. Also stoked on Nick Matthews in the Venture X Uprise video.
Jason is stoked on Venture Trucks, Mark Gonzales sw 30 flip in Cromer’s story, NBA BACK, Dani Lebron “day in the life” type vid
Templeton is stoked on a video he made for work.

Sunday, October 17, 2021

Mental Health and Vans' Nice To See You. October 17, 2021. Mostly Skateboarding Podcast.

This week, Templeton Elliott, Patrick Kigongo, and Jason From Frozen in Carbonite are talking about Mental Health and Nice To Meet You from Vans. Listen here and subscribe on iTunes or Spotify.

Jenkem's Mental Health tips with John Gardner
John Rattray's Why So Sad campaign
Dustin Dollin in Sight Unseen
Nick Michael's Monster Children interview
Breana Geering's pro video for Girl
Vans Europe's Incompiuto
TJ Rogers' éS part

This week, Jason is stoked on Venture Trucks, XboX series X, Bye Jeremy “alright, yeah,” Keith Denley pro part on QS, and the MKD shop “Taste” video.
Patrick is stoked on Spitfire Wheels, the weekend, Malibu Bluffs skatepark, new Indy video, and Jenkem's 7.75 hat.
Templeton is stoked on Thunder Trucks.

Sunday, October 10, 2021

Instagram and Memory Lapse. October 10, 2021. Mostly Skateboarding Podcast

This week, Templeton Elliott, Patrick Kigongo, and Mike Munzenrider are talking about Instagram's place in skateboarding and Alien Workshop's Memory Lapse. Listen here and subscribe on iTunes or Spotify.

Skateboarder's Raiders Of The Archive
Chrome Ball Interview #68: Bo Turner
Zoo York Mixtape
Danny Way on The Nine Club
Toy Machine's Suffer The Joy
411VM #20 Chaos
Mike's slam in the credits of 411VM
Alien Workshop Cinematographer Project section

This week, Patrick is stoked on Spitfire Wheels, Keith Denley going pro for Hopps, New Yorker’s video about Joe Buffalo and “The Horror of Residential Schools.” France came back from 2-0 beat Belgium. Dodgers w/the walkoff home run to beat the Cards.
Mike is stoked on Bad Art Friend from the New York Times Magazine, getting past his kickflip yips, getting a handle again on blunts fakie. And OH, the return of Anthony Edwards and Timberwolves basketball.
Templeton is stoked on new Mostly Skateboarding Stickers.

Find Jason on Twitter @carbonite1994, on Instagram @frozenincarbonite, and writing for Quartersnacks.
Find Patrick on Twitter @ColonelKSpeaks and on Instagram @PKigongo.
Find Mike on Twitter @mmunzenrider and on Instagram @mmunzenrider.
Find Templeton on Twitter @MostlySkate and on Instagram @mostlyskateboarding

Sunday, October 03, 2021

China Banks and This. October 3, 2021. Mostly Skateboarding Podcast

This week, Templeton Elliott, Patrick Kigongo, and Jason From Frozen in Carbonite are talking about the impending demolition of San Francisco's China Banks and Emerica's new video, This. Listen here and subscribe on iTunes or Spotify.

SF Gate's article on the China Banks' upcoming destruction
DC's million-dollar bid to save Love Park
Wenatchee's Methow Park
Element's Peace 
etnies Album

This week, Jason is stoked on Venture Trucks, Willy Staley Sopranos article, and the new Etienne Gagne part.
Patrick is stoked on Spitfire Wheels. 1991 nostalgia, his 3rd anniversary this week, and his 7 years in LA. Congratulations to lensman Paul Young on his wedding
Templeton is stoked again on wool socks and sweaters and candy corn pumpkins.

Find Jason on Twitter @carbonite1994, on Instagram @frozenincarbonite, and writing for Quartersnacks.
Find Patrick on Twitter @ColonelKSpeaks and on Instagram @PKigongo.
Find Mike on Twitter @mmunzenrider and on Instagram @mmunzenrider.
Find Templeton on Twitter @MostlySkate and on Instagram @mostlyskateboarding