Sunday, November 21, 2021

Palace, Zero, and Skate Etiquette. November 21, 2021. Mostly Skateboarding Podcast

This week, Mike Munzenrider, Patrick Kigongo, and Jason From Frozen in Carbonite are watching new videos from Palace and Zero then getting into skate etiquette. Listen here and subscribe on iTunes or Spotify.

Send us your Stoked On for the Thanksgiving All Stoked On Special. Record a voice note with your name, location, and what you're stoked on, and email it to us at mostlyskateboarding @

Estranged - Guns N' Roses
Ed Templeton interview
Barker Barrett has some good mini ramp clips in here
411VM Europe 97
Midler's SLS slam followed by Nyjah

This week, Jason is stoked on  Venture Trucks, William Nguyen part from SCSVM (94), and the Spitfire “Scenic” video.
Patrick is stoked on Spitfire Wheels, Karim Benzema and Kylian MbappĂ©, getting the CCS catalog and Thrasher on the same mail day, and the new Hit You Off Management edit.
Mike is stoked on Side Effect Goods and their new promo.


Justin said...

I'm never going to watch either of those videos in full. Thankfully Quartersnack does their top ten.

Yes to more mini ramps. Especially mellow 3' high ones that are wide, but all types are welcome. That Element mini ramp section is one of those parts where you realize just how good some people are at riding a skateboard. Markovich for example.

I never wear headphones for skating, but I prefer it when others do. It means I don't have to talk them.

Gatekeeping is a puzzling issue. I fully get the need to be understanding of others who are different or doing things their own way. At the same time, there are going to be moments when the elders have to bluntly say don't be a freaking idiot or that crap is wack. There has to be a happy medium of how to say you're doing it wrong without hurting anybody's feelings.

There was a major graffiti problem at the local park over the summer. I busted a bunch of kids a few times spray painting it, not that it made much difference. Luckily I'm in a small town and don't have to worry about things you would in LA. I figured out I knew the one kid's parents and told his mom. LOL. Some of them were literally spray painting their own first names. I cannot deal with that level of stupidity.

Remember when skateboarding was super fascinated with Guns & Roses in the early 00s? Dave Carnie said he wound up hiding his copy of Appetite because he got sick of having people over and somebody would put that record on every time he left the room. He didn't feel like being welcomed to the jungle any more. The novelty of G & R has long since worn off to me, mainly because it's been decades since I was in the 8th grade.

Hope everybody has a good Thanksgiving. I'm thankful for this show.

Paul Vale said...

Great listen, stoked on it!