Thursday, January 26, 2012

Dom Henry and Adrian Vercoe Fir Vic

Dom Henry & Adrian Vercoe from VIC Apparel on Vimeo.

Dom Henry and Adrian Vercoe share a part for Vic Apparel.


slowmo said...


Anyone know where this is?

Templeton said...

I know Vic is based in New Zealand, so that's where I'm guessing most of these spots are.

arunk said...

Just discovered this.. Cool video! Looking forward to more of this...

benny said...

Yep, those spots are in New Zealand. How about introducing a large skateboard website from New Zealand in the blog? has over 50 detailed and illustrated articles, tutorials and how-tos on skategear, ramps, videography, photography etc. and not only comes in Kiwi-English but in German as well!