Thursday, December 03, 2009

Final VX Montage

WIth his VX-1000 sold, this is the last montage from the Academy dudes until a new camera is purchased.


Anonymous said...

don't worry there will be new montages! I bought his camera and I live like 2 miles down the street!!

HeadlessMonster said...

Ehhhhhhh, it was good until the fucking Spin Doctors came on. Makes me wanna gouge my eardrums out with dry bamboo sticks.

Unknown said...

A bit dramatic, dont you think?

-Also cant there be a way to remove the word verification? Is this site's commentary really under that much siege by spam bots?

Templeton said...

We do get hit by the spambots enough to be annoying, so the word verification stays. Sorry Benjamin. I appreciate you taking the time to comment.