Monday, November 30, 2009

Dave Flaugher For The Stamp Series

Dave Flaugher promotes the Stamp Series for One Percent skate shop.


HeadlessMonster said...

Eh, Raleigh is okay...and I wouldn't really call it a's a University town with a few blocks around it. It's fun to skate though, but what's around it? Nothing. That's the problem with towns in the middle of nowhere... ... but it's a lot better than Chapel Hill and Durham that's fo' sho'.

HeadlessMonster said...

Whoops, wrong comment on this clip...

But I couldn't watch it! It asks me to download the .mov, and when I try to play it, it gives me an error...WTFF?!

Anonymous said...

Scroll down three updates.

HeadlessMonster said...

Nice! Thanks Anon.

Nice 'stache, but I wonder what kind of shoes he's wearing. I wish there big words on them so I can see what kind they are.