Friday, December 30, 2005

Reason To Believe Review

I like this video. I like it a lot. With people like Jamie Thomas and Ben Gilley in the video you would expect the unknown guys to be over shadowed but I think they steal the show. James Hardy starts it off with a really impressive part. Justin Holmes got put in the hospital filming for this video, enough said. Peter Karvonen does one of the best drop-ins I’ve ever seen with a surprise ending. The friends section has plenty of heavy hitting up and comers like Sean Malto and Justin Brock. Melcher ends it with some really impressive and creative skating. Pat Rakestraw is so sick, I can’t wait to see what he has in the new Black Label video. Jamie Thomas is probably saving his best stuff for the fallen video but still comes through with a full part that is nothing to scoff at. Ben Gilley has a real pro part which likely would have been in the Black label video had he not been canned. There is a slam section at the end then the credits. Get it from Faith Skate Supply or bug your local shop to get it from Black Box.

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