Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Things that make you go hmmmmm...

Portacope is a portable grinding surface that can be broken down into sections and easily transported by hand, backpack or vehicle. I wonder if this actually works...

I don't know what's up with this font color thing...


b rendan said...

lets order 200 feet of this stuff and surprise the City of Norfolk one Monday morning. (John Reeves?!?! didnt he used to be pro for invisible or something?)

Anonymous said...

who needs it if it doesnt grind, go faster

Anonymous said...

it works, I live in Portland and one day I ran into K.C. the guy who does the stuff and we skated it.

Anonymous said...

Portacope is not something you use on already skateable surfaces. It is used to create new spots such as putting it up on a picket fence. It also allows you to put it over any skatestoppers or architecture that makes spots unskateable.