Sunday, August 06, 2023

This Old Ledge and Sheckler's Life. August 6, 2022. Mostly Skateboarding Podcast.

This week, Templeton Elliott, Patrick Kigongo, and Jason From Frozen in Carbonite are joined by Ted Barrow to talk about the first season of This Old Ledge and Ryan Sheckler's Lifer part. Listen here and subscribe on iTunes or Spotify.

Le Corbusier's Plan Voisin
Rolling Away, The Sheckler documentary

This week, Ted is stoked on Ryan Sheckler's My War.
Jason is stoked on Venture Trucks, Outer Banks (the place not the television show), Samantha back on Jersey Shore, ANGELINA. by Daniel Galli.
Patrick is stoked on Spitfire Wheels, the Women’s World Cup, and Quartersnacks Favorite Spot with Lucien Clarke.
Templeton is stoked on the emo revival in skate videos.

1 comment:

Justin said...

This was an entertaining and informative episode. I'm glad I've got the fine arts background to appreciate This Old Ledge.

I do think there was a lot of actual hate directed at Ryan Sheckler in his heyday. I'm also older so I knew I wasn't the target audience and avoided his life. The You Will Soon boys were always ripping on him.

Does he still ride for Etnies?

Simple Magic had a critical review of whatever parts he released so I can't imagine I'll be checking them out based on that.