Friday, December 12, 2008

Andrew Elliott Clubbing Baby Seals #3

I wonder when Andrew Elliott is gonna blow up. Dude rips! See the rippage in his part from Clubbing Baby Seals #3.


  1. by far, the most stupid intro ever! kill yourself before it's too late...

  2. Anonymous8:17 PM

    seems like a lot of those tricks were in a video you posted a long time ago, music was Kanye West-Diamonds are forever or whatever. That back 50-50 on the huge rail into the grass, smith hollywood high 16, kickflip that over ledge gap into the kinda sideways gap..

  3. Anonymous8:50 PM

    yeah, that intro sucked, and that kids style is kinda wack. Maybe he'd blow up a little faster if he'd distance himself from that kind of editing job and worked on getting some steeze.

    Big tricks though.

  4. Anonymous1:36 PM

    Poor wittle sealy! Intro was original, I'll give it that, but as an animator, ..., ah, ferget it. I ain't gonna critique a limited animation piece.

    Surprise crail down the double! Zoom daddy, zoom!
