Friday, March 23, 2007

This American Life On Demand

Well MostlySkateboarding has turned into MostlySkateboardingAndThisAmericanLife, but I can't help it. TAL is just so damn good. Anyway. The premiere TV episode was last night on Showtime but for all of us who don't have Showtime we can watch it for free from the Showtime website. This seriously just made my Friday. It's streaming so it's a bit stuttery.


  1. absolutely radical awesome. thanks for the info.

  2. Rachel and I just watched this (on Friday night).

  3. Anonymous9:04 PM

    No we can't view because we live in Europe. But we can visit Showtime in Second Life and have a blast. Sort of...

  4. Anonymous1:07 PM

    I like it just as a radio show...but that's me.
